Game & Draw Security

How secure are the WCLC’s Game System and processes?

WCLC Game System procedures are carried out in strict accordance with established security standards to ensure the integrity of our system and processes.

  • Each draw has a sales cut-off time, called "game break", after which no further tickets can be sold for that particular draw. The game break is verified by WCLC operations staff and confirmed by independent third-party auditors before the drawing of winning numbers is allowed to proceed.
  • Independent third-party auditors play a significant role during every draw and act as the public's eyes and ears in the draw process.
  • Once sales for the current draw are closed at game break, all tickets registered in the central Game System for that draw are copied to a file and that file is transferred to an Independent Control System  - a system separate from the game system and is under the exclusive control of the auditors. As an additional control, the auditors receive a separate disc containing the ticket information that was loaded onto the Independent Control System.
  • Immediately after the draw has been completed, the winning numbers that were drawn are entered in both the Game System and Independent Control System to identify the winners in each prize category for that particular draw.
  • The results from both systems are then compared to ensure that the results are identical. The auditors verify that the results are identical.
  • Several layers of security are in place to monitor Game System activity at all times - including during draw procedures.

How do the draws work?

All draws for national and regional games occur using Random Number Generator (RNG) software on stand-alone computerized draw machines. RNG software streamlines the draws while maintaining security, reliability, speed and the ability to audit results.

  • The RNG system uses a proprietary algorithm to generate random numbers. It is independently tested and certified for both its effectiveness in generating random results and its integrity.
  • Before each draw, an integrity check is performed on the system to ensure that no changes have been made that could affect the random outcome of the draw.
  • All draws are witnessed by external auditors. Strict controls and security measures are in place for every draw.
  • Draw machines are located in a secure location that is monitored by video surveillance 24 hours a day.

      or Guaranteed $1 Million
      29 Balls Remaining
      Exact Match Only
      Wednesday, February 12, 2025
      Friday, February 14, 2025